UV-Blacklight Fixture

Great for all kinds of Blacklight (UV) experiments & lighting effects, our high performance, 24" long, 20 watt Blacklight shines like the big 40 watters. Emits safe longwave UV light in the 365 to 395 nm range. This is a wider spectrum than UV LED lights can provide and allows a wider variety of fluorescent materials to glow. Mirror reflector concentrates wasted UV light outward producing twice as much useful light from a single bulb. The included UV bulb emits safe longwave UV light that is great for illuminating fluorescent materials, performing UV chemical response tests, working with Luminol blood detection kits, special lighting effects and fluorescent mineral collecting. Very long life bulb with an 8,000 hour lifetime. Great for use with our Invisible UV Markers, UV Detection Powder, Invisible Ink, etc. Makes our Europium UltraGlow Phosphorescent powders glow at a constant full brightness producing awesome glow-in-the-dark effects.
Playing with our Glow Putty in a room lit with this fixture is really a blast.
Blacklight Fixture, complete: $32.50