Wimshurst Machine

This is most likely the finest production Wimshurst Machine you'll find - and we should know, we' tested just about every Wimshurst Machine from every manufacturer we could find. For quality of construction and reliable high voltage output, this one wins hands down. Our heavy duty Wimshurst Static Electric Generator is an easy to use and powerful high voltage generator. Two counter-rotating plates about 12" in diameter are supported in two rigid uprights and belt driven by a small hand crank. The plates are composed of heavy, high resistance plastic with sectors of aluminum sheets. Lyden jars ( condensers ) and the aluminum store electricity until discharged by the electrodes.
The device produces higher currents than a Van de Graaff Generator. Great for static electricity demonstrations and experiments. The entire unit is mounted on a 15 inch (380mm) x 9 inch (230mm) x 16.5 inch (420mm) base.
In testing the machine we found that with just 2 or 3 turns of the handle, the machine would produce a nice hefty, high current spark around 1.5" long. Turning the crank faster & longer produces more voltage and longer sparks - and depending on ambient conditions (mainly humidity), the Wimshurst Machine can output up to about 75,000 volts.
Wimshurst Machine:$199.00