25 KV High Voltage Power Supply

Portable 25 KV DC Power Supply
Powerful & highly efficient, our High Voltage Power Supply produces 25,000 volts (25 Kv) DC, to power a wide variety of high voltage equipment & projects. We kept extra features to a minimum to make a simple & reliable power supply that was affordable. This is not an induction coil based power supply so there are no large coils that can overheat and short out - this is an all electronic/solid-state power supply. It is ideal for powering a wide range of high voltage devices such as our X-Ray tube, Crookes tubes, homemade particle accelerators, HV capacitor charging, animal/pest control devices, as well as investigating electrical discharge phenomena such as Saint Elmo's fire & corona discharges, static generation, ion ray guns etc.
The HV Power Supply produces 25 kV (open circuit) with a reasonably safe short circuit current of less than 2 ma. It has built in short circuit protection. The unit can be powered by the included AC adapter, or battery powered for portable use. Just about any 12 volt battery works well as long as it can supply 12 volts DC at 2 amps. Most customers choose a lantern battery, small 'Gel Cell", or rechargeable motorcycle battery. When powered by battery, it's very portable and easy to use as part of your project in science fairs & demos, automotive applications, and HV applications that need to be operational 'out in the field'.
The HV Power Supply itself is quite robust, however, you should not run it with no load (open circuit) for more than 15 minutes.
it will also not tolerate input voltages greater than about 15 volts.
High Voltage output is available on the front panel via standard banana jacks. A pair of our High Voltage Cables are included with the unit so there is nothing else you need to buy.
Overall, the unit measures 7-7/8" (200 mm) x 6-1/4" (158 mm) x 2" (51 mm).
Manufactured by us, right here in the USA.

A typical use for our HV Power Supply, it is shown here powering a Crooke's Tube that produces a powerful electron beam for magnetic/electrostatic deflection demonstrations.
(Crookes Tube is not included with the HV Power Supply).

High Voltage Power Supply: $249.00