Hydrion pH Paper

Narrow Range

Narrow range pH paper specifically designed for measuring pH of body fluids such as saliva and urine. It produces a distinct color match at from 5.5 to 8.0. Hydrion® pH Paper is the undisputed top of the line in pH paper. Narrow Range pH paper is necessary for accurate pH measurements of saliva and urine as general purpose wide range pH papers cannot detect the slight variations in pH. Easy to use, accurate, and reproducible readings with an immediate response.
Hydrion® Narrow Range pH Paper is an ideal choice for all medical applications.
The roll of test paper (and matching color chart) is packaged in a clear plastic dispenser - there is enough to perform well over 100 tests. To use, simply tear off a small piece and dip into the liquid in question. Compare the color the paper turns to the chart on the dispenser. Made in the U.S.A.
Hydrion Narrow Range pH Paper: $14.50