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Standard Crystal Radio Kit

Standard Crystal Radio Kit


Standard Crystal Radio Kit

Crystal Radios

The Crystal Radio has been a favorite for beginners as well as those advanced in electronics. It is the simplest of radios and was popular in the early days of radio. Crystal Radios receive the AM broadcast band. The amazing thing about them is they require no power source. You heard right - no batteries or power source of any kind. The Crystal Radio gets its power from the radio signal itself. Because it deals with such small amounts of power, it cannot drive a speaker like regular radios can, but will power the included highly sensitive crystal earphone.

Our Kit
There are Crystal Radio Kits and there are Crystal Radio Kits. This is truly one you'd be proud to own and have on display. Most Crystal Radio Kits you'll find are just plain ugly. They're either made from cardboard, a toilet paper roll and a nest of wires twisted about - not to mention being overpriced. If they have any wood or brass, it's usually a thin piece of cheap pine and flimsy brass clips. Not so with our kit!
Our kit is built around a hefty pre-drilled block of prime Red Oak. The wood block is machined to hide the variable capacitor, allowing the base to sit flat. A minimum of wire and components is visible in the completed kit giving it a nice un-cluttered look. The kit's hardware is heavy, solid brass.

Unlike kits you may find elsewhere, everything you need to assemble the kit is included. We include the adhesive, the stain, sandpaper, clear polyurethane and even the brush to give your completed radio a beautiful finish. When complete, your radio will look exactly like the one pictured. Easy to follow step by step instructions are included with large color pictures and clear descriptions. From 8 years old to 80 - you'll thoroughly enjoy assembling this kit and like it even more when you hear your first radio broadcast. You simply will not find a higher quality and more attractive Crystal Radio Kit for this price anywhere.

Our Standard Crystal Radio Craftsman Kit.

3 Versions Available!
Depending on the amount of work you'd like to put into building the radio, or your level of knowledge and craftsmanship,
we offer the Crystal Radio in 3 different versions. The Craftsman and Easy Assembly kits are essentially identical with the exception that the Craftsman Kit requires you to cut & strip wires to the correct length, and solder them to various components. The Easy-Assembly Kit has all the soldering done for you. The Fully Assembled Radio is ready to go right out of the box, however we include the assembly instructions for reference.

The Craftsman Kit: $79.99
(a little soldering and wire stripping is required)

The Easy-Assembly Kit: $89.99
(no soldering or wire stripping - just a screw driver required)

Fully Assembled Radio: $139.99
(nothing to do at all, just connect to an antenna & ground)

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Crystal Radio

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