Our new 7-1/8" x 10-1/4" Fresnel Lens is amazingly powerful. No doubt you've played with ordinary magnifying lenses before and have charred dried leaves & paper. A Fresnel Lens is far more powerful - focus on paper products and watch them burst into flame - the lens will even melt aluminum cans in bright sunlight! Easily fabricate a Solar Furnace by placing the flexible lens in a picture frame and mounting it on a stand. Care is required using this product - produces extremely high thermal energy at the focal point. Do not stare at illuminated focal point without sunglasses. Fresnel Lens is smooth on one side and has fine ridges on the other. Remember to face the side with the ridges toward the Sun for maximum burn power.
Size: 180 mm x 260 mm (7? x 10?)
Thickness: 0.4 mm
Focal Length: 300 mm
Magnification: 3X
Material: Optical PVC
Groove Pitch: 0.3 mm