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Uranium Ore Radiation Range \'E\' (9,500 to 12,000 CPM)

Uranium Ore Radiation Range 'E' (9,500 to 12,000 CPM)


Generic Uranium Ore
Radiation Range 'E' (9,500 to 12,000 CPM)

typical generic Uranium Ore samples


With over 25 years of experience, United Nuclear is the most trusted name in Uranium Ore. We provide to everyone from the US military, government agencies, professional labs, teachers, amateur scientists, mineral collectors, and anyone inbetween who just needs some quality Uranium ore.

Every piece of Ore is prospected, sorted, and certified by hand. Generic samples typically contain one or more of the following Uranium minerals: Carnotite (bright yellow), Uraninite (black crystal), Pitchblende (jet black), Uranophane (canary yellow), Gummite (maroon to rust brown), and Tyuyamunite (green to yellow).

Unlike our individual samples, these generic ore samples are often unremarkable in terms of looks. They are however guaranteed to output the stated radiation intensity. Generic samples are perfect for training purposes, chemical extraction or as radiation sources.

Click Here for our radiation level grading chart.

Key Features:

  • Range 'B' Ore reads 9,500-12,000 CPM on most standard Beta/Gamma Geiger Counters. Readings may vary depending on the probe used. 

  • Certificate of Authenticity states your sample's precise radiation measurements on both a Ludlum 44-6 Beta/Gamma 'Hot Dog' probe and 44-9 Alpha/Beta/Gamma 'Pancake' probe.

  • Can be used for chemical extraction, radiation training, classroom demonstration irradiating plant seeds, and much more!

  • Typical Ore size is between that of a lemon and a tennis ball. 

  • All ore samples are sealed in thick 4mil plastic and carefully packaged inside of a 4"x3"x3" box.

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